
We were commissioned with the creation of a film that serves as the Highlight mode for the EQE, Mercedes-Benz’s flagship electric car, exclusively showcasing on the Hyperscreen. This mode allows the car to present itself and its features, including its programmed interior lighting, sound system, massage seats, fans, and more. Our mission was to seamlessly align the film with the programmed structure, offering users a holistic experience where every aspect interconnects and interacts harmoniously.


Mercedes-Benz EQE Highlight Mode

Design & Direction

Studio Float

Creative Team

Janis Aschberger, Paul Kusmaul, Oskar Fülöp, Bennet Meyer, Thomas Sali


Martin Fütterer

Post Producer

Henrik von Müller





The desired tonality aimed to create a serene and safe atmosphere. Additionally, our objective was to accentuate the Hyperscreen in the EQE, giving the impression of a unified and expansive display. Working in close collaboration with fischerAppelt, who had initially developed the core concept of the film, we refined the overall look and feel to ensure it complemented the established vision. The final result gave the viewers a glimpse into the heart of the car.